Here is some information on New Jersey Foreclosure:
Quick Facts
- Judicial Foreclosure : Yes -
- Non-Judicial Foreclosure Available: No -
- Primary Security Instrument: Mortgage -
- Timeline: Typically 90 days -
- Right of Redemption: Yes -
- Deficiency Judgments Allowed: Yes In New Jersey, lenders may foreclose on a mortgage in default by using the judicial foreclosure process.
Judicial Foreclosure Generally, in judicial foreclosure, a court decrees the amount of the borrowers debt and gives him or her a short time to pay. If the borrower fails to pay within that time, the clerk of the court then advertises the property for sale. Once the process begins, a foreclosure notice must be: 1) posted in the county office of the county where the property is located; 2) posted on the property in foreclosure; and 3) published in two (2) newspapers in the county. The lender must also notify the borrower at least ten (10) days prior to the foreclosure sale. It is possible for the lender to obtain a deficiency judgment and borrowers have a right to redemption and/or objection within ten (10) days after the sale.
If you have missed a payment or two or find yourself close to a sheriff sale auction date WE CAN HELP! Banks are not in the business of owning properties so lets discuss your options and see if we can use one of the foreclosure avoidance tactics to help save your home. Our specialist have been helping home owners avoid foreclosures since 2009 with a proven track record of success. Lets have a private consultation where we discuss your options and get you the help you need.